The Upcycling Fashion Store Berlin is celebrating!
We will introduce two new labels for the shop on friday, 02.03.2012!
Infected Designers from Berlin will bring Upcycling-bags, -backpacks and -ties from melted plastic bags and the Hamburg based fashionlabel Niconey Tibetan will show their latest project. Come over and try one of the unique pieces made from reclaimed shirts.
DJane LucretiaM will play Electronic.Dream.Triphop.Downtempo Music for you, Ricepipes offer their yummy creations and if you get thursty we´ll offer LemonAid and ChariTea. We want to welcome you to celebrate with us from 6pm to 11pm!
Another thing we are celebrating is the extension of our shop! The pop up store will turn into a 1-year place for upcycling fashion. Hope to see you!